Am 12. 4. fand im Foyer der HAK.HAS Neumarkt ein internationales Buffet statt, das keine Wünsche der begeisterten BesucherInnen offen ließ. Mit viel Liebe zum Detail haben sich die SchüleIinnen der 3 BHK und die Russisch-SchülerInnen gemeinsam mit ihrer Professorin Mag. Christine Wieneroiter auf diesen Tag vorbereitet und groß aufgekocht. Blinis, Bortsch, Gulaschsuppe und Schnitzelsemmeln waren ebenso die Renner wie beispielsweise Crêpes, Muffins, Schoko-Brownies oder Waffeln. Das Buffet stand unter dem Motto "Für Frieden und Freiheit, gegen Hass und Ausgrenzung". Das fleißige Organisationsteam wird sich nun überlegen, wem sie Gutes tun wird - auch hier ist die Auswahl groß und eine Unterstützung dringend gefragt.
Language Week in Edinburgh 2023Schottland kann′s!
From 19 to 26 March, 23 students of the fourth forms and two teachers, Ms Bowen and Ms Stutzenstein, went on a language week to Edinburgh, which boasts one of the most stunning skylines in the UK. From Monday to Friday the students had language classes at the impressive Royal Scots Club. They were taught by Rebecca and David who were in fact young actors who had a lot of speaking activities and role plays in store for the students. The best part of the week was the language course, they said enthusiastically. Language Week in Edinburgh 2023
In the afternoons there were a lot of activities: The group visited the Scottish parliament in Hollyrood, enjoyed a guided tour around Edinburgh and up to Calton Hill with its National Monument, which was never completed, or explored the Castle of Edinburgh, the most iconic landmark in the city.
The tour the students enjoyed most was the Ghost&Gore tour, which started at 7 o’clock in the evening and held a lot of horrible surprises for the students.
In Stockbridge, which is a part of Edinburgh, you can find numerous charity shops which offer top quality clothes and accessories at very low prices.
On Saturday the group crossed the Firth of Forth and went up to St Andrews, the town of golf but also the town where Prince William went to university. On the way, the two teachers had delicious cream tea and at the end of the day trip the whole group stopped at Kingsbarns, a whisky distillery. Finally, on Sunday evening, the group arrived safely in Salzburg with a suitcase full of exciting experiences and lasting impressions.